Analytical report assessment of the Process for Receiving Healthcare Ву Victims of CRSV During the War of the Russian Federation against Ukraine
Based оп personal experiences of victims who receive services from the NGO "Eastern Ukrainian Center for Civic lnitiatives"
The City Where the War Began
This report aims to shed light on violations of human rights in Slovyansk and the restoration of peace in eastern Ukraine after 2014. The book is based on testimonies of civilians who witnessed violations of human rights or were affected by military hostilities in the city of Slovyansk from April to July 2014. The report analyzes the functioning of illegal prisons, persecution of residents for religious beliefs, minors’ involvement in armed groups, forced labor, and human trafficking in places of detention, as well as problems of shelling and mining of civil infrastructure. It also discusses the deployment of pro-Russian propaganda in the city, problems of access to medical care during the city’s capture, and the search for ways to reconcile after the Ukrainian government regained control over Slovyansk
On the edge. Observance of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in the Village of Shyrokyne (Donetsk Region) during the Armed Conflict in the Donbas: Monitoring Report
The report outlines the violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in the village of Shyrokyne (Donetsk region) documented by the Eastern-Ukrainian Center for Civic Initiatives during the armed conflict in the Donbas. The documented violations take place against the background of military events in the village in 2014-2016. The study pays considerable attention to shelling of the village and its consequences, deaths and injuries among civilians, and the looting of residents’ property. The report examines the socio-economic and legal problems of Shyrokyne residents forced to leave the village. An important part of the report concerns participation of representatives of the Russian Federation in the military operations in the South of Donetsk region, as well as investigation of crimes committed in the village of Shyrokyne.
Crimes without Punishment: Human Rights Violations in the Context of the Armed Conflict in Eastern Ukraine
This report was developed to cover the situation involving official investigations of criminal offences committed against civilians and Ukrainian military personnel in the context of the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Based on case studies, the report provides an account of certain systemic problems during the investigation and suggests viable solutions. Any person interested can draw conclusions whether the investigations are effective or not, based on the actual circumstances of individual criminal offences described in the report.
Imprisoned in the “LPR Government” Building
Analytical report concerns one of the many illegal detention facilities established in Luhansk oblast during the armed conflict in Donbas. The facility was located in the former Luhansk Oblast Administration at 3, Heroiv Velykoi Vitchyznianoi Viiny Square. The report is based on 19 interviews with former detainees held at the “LPR government building” by the representatives of the self-proclaimed republic.
Unspoken pain. Gender-based violence in the conflict zone of Eastern Ukraine
The updated version of the report on gender-based violence in the conflict zone of eastern Ukraine carried out by the Eastern-Ukrainian Center for Civil Initiatives.
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