12/07/2022 11:07
In the government-controlled territory of the Donetsk region, in June, 89 civilians were killed and 214 were injured by shelling: the Digest of the EUCCI

In June, the Russian Federation committed a number of such violations of IHL norms as deliberate attacks on the civilian population and civilian objects; premeditated murder; sexual violence; threat to the natural environment; seizure and looting of property, use of hunger as a method of warfare, illegal detentions, threat to high-risk structures and installations.   This is described in the Digest of human rights violations during the war in Ukraine, prepared by "Eastern Ukrainian Center for Civic Initiatives".

In June 2022, settlements both near active armed hostilities (for example, the cities of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk in the Luhansk region), and those in the rear of Ukrainian troops (for example, the cities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Kremenchuk and others) were subject to indiscriminate attacks . Settlements in the near-border regions of Ukraine that were previously liberated (Chernihiv and Sumy regions) also came under regular and intense shelling.

According to the estimates of the EUCCI, during June, only in the territory of the Donetsk region controlled by the Ukrainian government, 89 civilians were killed by shelling and 214 were injured.


During June, the remains of people who died during the occupation continued to be found in the liberated cities and villages of Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy regions.

At the same time, the issue of premeditated murders and torture of people in the ­temporarily occupied territories and in places where active hostilities continue (certain areas of Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhya, Kherson, and Mykolaiv regions) remains open.

The EUCCI believes that, given the intensity of the fighting and its duration, the level of atrocities by combatants against the civilian population of these ­territories will be no less than the previously detected one in the already de-occupied territories.

Reports of cases of commitment of sexual and gender based violence by combatants continue to appear. The cases recorded in June concerned, in particular, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions.

During June 2022, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation by their actions again threatened the safe operation of the high-risk installations, Zaporizhzhya and Southern Ukrainian Nuclear Power PlantsAbout 500 armed Russian military personnel remain in the territory of Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant, and heavy equipment is deployed inside the perimeter of the plant. During June, the military was probably engaged in strengthening previously constructed trenches and completing fortifications.

Read about these and other recorded violations in more detail in the digest:


The Eastern Ukrainian Center for Civic Initiatives has been documenting human rights violations committed during the Russian aggression against Ukraine since 2014. The purpose of this documentation is to submit the gathered evidence to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Ukrainian law enforcement authorities, international investigation commissions and other international organizations. The EUCCI provides free legal aid and other forms of assistance to certain categories of victims. Detailed information about the EUCCI is available on its website at: https://totalaction.org.ua/.

Human rights activists continue to document numerous instances of these and other violations of international humanitarian law, which can qualify as war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Previous digests of human rights violations are available here:



